Publication Policy

Publication Policy

EPE'25: Conference papers publication

In the past editions, EPE conferences were associated to the traditional and well-known IEEE Xplore® digital library. In this edition, EPE’25, for its 40th anniversary, is evolving and for the first time, would be fully associated with the Open Science! Thus, conference papers will be published in Open Access and will appear as an online available papers (with DOI). The conference papers will be sent for indexing to the scientific databases, such as Google Scholar.

What is Open Science?

Open science is a new approach that matches to the digital revolution in relation to the sharing of scientific data and content. It includes open access (free access to articles) and open data (free access to research data).

The main goal is to open up scientific content as much as possible but also as closed as necessary and according to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles which supervises the improvement of the re-use of relevant scientific research data. Whether on a European ( or international scale (, open science is a subject of interest that encourages collaborative work between researchers in order to accelerate scientific innovation while guaranteeing data security. Therefore, open science leads to an access to information, regarding research, training and also society. Indeed, “Citizen Science” is one of the main elements that makes the promotion of exchanges between citizens and the scientific community possible so that they are more confident in science and can feel concerned by scientific innovation projects.

In addition, a special issue of “Power Electronic Devices and Components”, Elsevier’s Open Access Journal, will collect a selection of extended post-conference paper fully in the scope of the journal. Authors will be invited to submit the extended post-conference paper (suitable for journal publication) after the conference. The papers will undergo a successive peer-review process.

Power Electronic Devices and Components (PEDC) is an open-access journal specifically focusing on power-electronic devices and components, including materials, fabrication, design, characterization, and applications. The journal is indexed by SCOPUS and WOS. More information about the journal topics is available on PEDC web page.