Carbon Care Initiative Contest
Joseph Fourier Award

Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier and the discovery of the greenhouse effect.
Joseph Fourier is well known for his mathematical studies and for his work on heat diffusion. Fourier series, Fourier coefficients, Fourier integrals, etc. are common expressions. Fourier’s best known work is probably the «Analytical theory of heat».
Here we celebrate the bicentenary of the discovery of the greenhouse effect (1824) by Joseph FOURIER, French physicist, naturally recognized worldwide by engineers.
This is Fourier’s important contribution to the Earth and space sciences by analysing his «Memoir on the temperature of the Earth and planetary spaces».
Demonstrate in three minutes how we can reduce the CO2 impact of our research activities without reducing the research ambition
(video version to be transmitted).
Guidelines for making the video:
Format: mp4
Length: maximum 3 minutes
Resolution: 1080p
File size: 500 Mo
File name: “Name_Surname_CarbonCare_EPE25.mp4”
Deadline for submission: 15th of March 2025
How to submit a video:
Step 1: download and fill out the form
Click here to download the form
Step 2: upload the form and the video on https://solenoide.satie.ens-paris-saclay.fr/index.php/s/pMobZLNWyXYicwG
Contact: zoubir.khatir@univ-eiffel.fr