Abdelkrim BENCHAIB, SuperGrid Institute Piotr DWORAKOWSKI, SuperGrid Institute
In order to stay in line with the 1.5°C pathway for 2050, it is vital to reduce the global carbon emissions. One likely scenario to do this, is the massive deployment of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
in the electric system. Photovoltaic and wind energy are available and they are being deployed while some new energy sources, for example electric fusion, are being explored with the horizon post 2050.
Power grids are facing major challenges due to the shift from centralized to distributed power generation. The power grid is evolving towards smart grids and super grids, including direct current networks and technologies. Electrified railway infrastructure is highly developed in Europe and it is a valuable asset to support the deployment of RES.
Decarbonization of industry comes with the green hydrogen which will boom in the next years and decades, requiring large amount of electric energy and electric power supplies, also impacting the power grid.
Power electronic converters are a key interfacing technology for RES and hydrogen electrolysers and thus they are expected to play a major role in the electric network of the future. Many challenges must be addressed, including converter topologies, controls and components.
In this context, the focus topic “Smart grids and renewable energy” brings together experts in the field to exchange insights on solutions and challenges to pave the roadmap of the energy transition.
2.a) Smart Grids, DC Networks and Components, Hybrid AC/DC Networks 2.b) Renewable and New Energy Sources 2.c) Power Electronics and Devices for Grid Applications 2.d) Railway Network Systems 2.e) Green Hydrogen and “X”: Electrolyzers and Plants 2.f) Multi-Vector Power Grids: Electricity, Gas, Heat, etc.
Keynote speakers:
Colin Davidson Consulting Engineer, GE Vernova Grid Systems Integration, Stafford, UK
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